Lockdown Portraits, 2020

During the 2020 lockdown I created a series of oil-on-paper paintings. Paper sucks up the oil extremely quickly, resulting in an unusual workflow for oil painters: you work more in layers than in color blending.

When producing the Trauma book, I wrote several lyrical fragments, which got associated with certain pieces.

Works of this series were exhibited at my Trauma – solo exhibition at Museum Angerlehner.

One (Lilo with Abelina), 2020 | oil, pencil, ink, marker on paper
42 × 29 cm
Two (Alex with Tablet), 2020 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm

[device-based resonance]

What soothes you. How do you meditate?
How do you self-soothe? // womit beruhigst du dich?
Can you reach beyond your Self?


Where are you:

Wo bist du?
Wo beginnst du?
Wo beginnt Zeit?
Wo beginnt deine Zeit?

You grow.
(do you thrive?)

You digest what you cannot

You name what you become
witness to.

It’s a meager voice,
quite often it’s quite

Du verlässt das Vakuum der Sprachlosigkeit,
kennst Nähe und Liebe.
Gibst Nähe und Liebe.
Woher eigentlich kennst du sie?

Lilo Sleeping, 2020 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm
Jaqueline, 2020 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm

How do you measure your life.


1 + 1 = ∞
∞ = You

Could you look at me? And see me?
Just one one one more time?

Exhibition view "Trauma" at Museum Angerlehner (2021); photo (c) Simon Veres
Alex, 2020 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm
Plant, 2020 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm

You open your eyes
to never ever close them again.

Sun, 2021 | oil on paper
42 × 29 cm
Feet, 2020 | oil on paper
29 × 42 cm
Lilo Sleeping, 2020 | oil on paper
29 × 42 cm