Restplätze frei: Zeichen-Workshop 2.-4. August 2024

Von 2. – 4. August findet ein weiterer Kunst-Workshop bei mir im Atelier statt — es sind noch einige Plätze frei (die letzten beiden Workshops waren ausgebucht). Ich stelle alle Materialien zur Verfügung. Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen mit jeglichem Vorwissen: 

  • professionelle Künstler*innen werden neue Sensibilitäten im Umgang mit dem eigenen Werk und Material erfahren, neue Kontextualisierungsmöglichkeiten und viele Ideen für weiterführende Experimente.
  • Menschen die noch nie gezeichnet haben, erleben einen offenen Raum, wo der Wert des Experiments und des Muts hochgehalten wird. Mein Wahlspruch ist: “Das ist der Workshop für Menschen, die glauben nicht zeichnen zu können“.

Zwischen diesen beiden Lebenswelten gibt es unendlich viele Graubereiche, zu denen du dich vielleicht zählst. Im Workshop gehe ich tief auf dich und deine Situation und Fragen ein — mit Offenheit, Sensibilität und Neugier. Das Wissen und die Sensibilität der Gruppe (maximal acht Personen) helfen zusätzlich, aus einen “Save Space” einen “Brave Space” zu machen.

Videoeindrücke vom letzten Workshop (Juli 2024):

Feedback bisheriger Teilnehmerinnen:

Isabella Ernst, zum Workshop vom 12. – 14. August 2024:

“Ich möchte Workshops von Christian Bazant-Hegemark sehr empfehlen, egal ob man Anfänger/in oder schon fortgeschritten ist. Ansatz ist ein möglichst (angst)-freier Zugang,den der Kursleiter, selbst anerkannter Künstler mit beeindruckenden Arbeiten (diese im Atelier zu sehen) durch eine herzliche Atmosphäre möglich macht.
Jede/r wurde individuell betreut und beraten, es gab aber auch Teambesprechungen,sodass wir voneinander lernen konnten. Es wurden auch großzügig Materialien zur Verfügung gestellt, sodass man vieles ausprobieren konnte. Ein bereicherndes Wochenende.

Ina, zum Workshop vom 12. – 14. August 2024:

Ich bin auf Instagram auf deinen Workshop gestoßen und schon der Titel hat mich sehr angesprochen. Bewusstsein und auch Achtsamkeit spielen auch in meinem Beruf eine große Rolle, schade also, dass ich mir im Privaten und grade in Bezug auf kreatives Schaffen so wenig Platz dafür einräume. Ich wollte wieder einen anderen Zugang zu Kreativität und Kunst finden, weg vom “Ergebnis” und hin zum Genießen des Prozesses, des Tuns.

Um ehrlich zu sein, hatte ich vor dem Workshop ein paar Bedenken und habe erwartet, auf eine gewisse Hemmschwelle zu stoßen – ich hab in der Vergangenheit auch schon unangenehme Erfahrungen damit gemacht, mich und meine Kreativität so “herzuzeigen”. Zu meiner Überraschung und Freude war das gar nicht der Fall – der Raum war so wertschätzend, wohlwollend und frei von jeglicher Beurteilung – ich habe mich vom ersten Moment an “sicher” und gut aufgehoben gefühlt.

Es gab viel Zeit, Raum und Impulse – und natürlich Material – um “einfach mal” zu experimentieren. Auch das Zusammensein und der Austausch mit den anderen Teilnehmer*innen war bereichernd für mich, manche hatten konkrete Anliegen und Ziele, andere wollten einfach eine neue Erfahrung machen, und für alles war Platz. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet, mich auf 1,5m breitem Papier auszuprobieren 😉 In meiner Wahrnehmung ist es dir auch echt gut gelungen, sowohl auf die Gruppe als auch die einzelnen Menschen einzugehen und jede*n dort abzuholen, wo man sich eben abholen lassen wollte.

Der Workshop hat mir geholfen, mich und mein Tun nochmal aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen. Hilfreiche und weniger hilfreiche Gedanken und Überzeugungen zu erkennen, zu hinterfragen und auch zu verändern. Auch einfach mal zu tun, was sich vielleich “falsch” oder sogar fast “verboten” anfühlt und zu erfahren, wie viel möglich ist, wenn man sichs dann doch erlaubt 🙂

Es war wirklich ein bereicherndes Wochenende für mich, sicher eine der besten Investitionen in mich selbst, die ich seit langem gemacht habe. Ich danke dir sehr für den sanften Schubs in meine eigene, individuelle Richtung und freu mich auf ein Wiedersehen.

Eindrücke vom ersten “Bewusst Zeichnen (lernen)” Workshop

Fokussierte Stunden, um die eigene Kreativität zu vertiefen: alle Materialien stehen zur Verfügung, und so viel mehr noch nebenher. Neun Stunden Vertiefung, auf drei Workshop-Tage verteilt. Ich stelle mein Atelier und alle Materialien zur Verfügung; es gibt Übungen und Begleitung auf allen Ebenen: der Wert der Materialwahl, haptische und emotionale Aspekte beim Kunstmachen, Kunstgeschichte etc.

Wie fühlt es sich an, eine Linie zu ziehen? Was ändert sich, wenn man den Strich dabei dreht? Was passiert, wenn man die bisherigen Empfehlungen invertiert?

Diesen Sommer gebe ich den Workshop noch einmal

Der Workshop für alle, die glauben nicht zeichnen zu können.


Beim ersten Workshop (12. – 14. August 2024) waren acht Menschen bei mir, mit unterschiedlichen Ideen, Vorstellungen, Vorwissen und vielleicht auch Sorgen. Das Video hier zeigt einen Teil der Arbeiten, die dabei entstanden sind:

Exhibition Views: “Consciousness Dialogues” at [FKc] FORUM KUNST contemporary

Consciousness Dialogues” is my 29th solo exhibition. It shows works from the three series I currently work on. The series differ in their visualities, but are connected through their focus on trauma recovery.

The exhibition is running until end of August 2024, and can be visited free of charge at [FKc] FORUM KUNST contemporary in Millstatt / Austria.

I’ll lead through the exhibition on July 20th 11am.

The galleries’ standard opening times are limited, but the gallery is open any time on request. Reach out <3

PS: click here to access an exhibition review by, der Kulturguide für Europa: Review der Ausstellung Christian Bazant-Hegemark bei [FKc] FORUM KUNST contemporary

Consciousness Dialogues, [FKc] FORUM KUNST contemporary, Millstatt

I’m happy to tell you about my upcoming solo show at [FKc] FORUM KUNST  contemporary, Please join us at the opening: their space is immense, right within Stift Millstatt; the view of the lake is beautiful too 🙂

  • Exhibition opening: July 6th, 2024 (6pm) — with introductory words by Andrea K. Schlehwein
  • Duration: July 10th – August 7th, 2024; August 14th – August 31st, 2024
  • Opening times: Wednesday to Saturday, 1-5pm, and individually (phone)

About the exhibition

“Christian Bazant-Hegemark will show new paintings and drawings from three series of works, focusing on different aspects of the human condition. With a great sense for depicting personal moments, he shows people in their vulnerability. His protagonists often seem to be involved in relaxed everyday moments: sitting, thinking, looking. You often feel like an observer of a scene that you can feel emotionally, but cannot fully understand. Bazant-Hegemark describes his interest in everyday scenes by saying that they often seem more harmless than they are. He is interested in trauma processing: “How do you depict the time after a traumatic event? Seen from the outside, life goes on as normal. What has changed is the inside: the nervous system, one’s personal perception. Depicting these states is a challenge for me.

After a series of photorealistic works in which the artist took great care to depict every detail in the creative process, Bazant-Hegemark’s latest series now shows people who are taken from their surroundings; they float or fly and seem to defy the laws of physics. Although the artist shows people and their bodies, his thoughts during the creative process were on inner themes of consciousness: “I wanted to discuss themes from spiritual literature with an artificial intelligence. I soon realized that AI lacks consciousness and that conversations beyond clichés are hardly possible as soon as it becomes philosophical”.

What does it mean to be human? Bazant-Hegemark’s pictures explore this question in a multi-layered way.”

Workshop: Bewusst Zeichnen (lernen), 29. August – 1. September 2024, Saalbacher Hof

Lerne zu zeichnen, indem du loslässt: umgeben von Natur, und den Möglichkeiten eines 4* Hotels. Von 29. August – 1. September hoste ich einen Zeichen-Intensiv-Workshop für Menschen mit jeglichen Vorkenntnissen, im Saalbacher Hof.

Lerne zu zeichnen, indem du loslässt.
Lerne zu zeichnen, indem du dich selbst neu kennenlernst.
Vertiefe mit mir die Kunst des bewussten Zeichnens.


Alle Details kannst du hier nachlesen: — und auch im Video erkläre das Wichtigste.

Wie in allen meinen Workshops lernst du auch hier

  • deine ureigene Art des Zeichnens kennen, und du lernst
  • zu zeichnen, auch wenn du davon überzeugt bist, es nicht zu können.

Egal wie alt du bist, was dein Beruf oder Vergangenheit ist, werde ich dir helfen dein Wissen über dich und deine innere Kreativität zu vertiefen: durch das Zeichnen. Komm mit deinem Partner oder Partnerin, deinen Eltern oder Kindern: fokussiere den Workshop, während sie das umfangreiche Natur- und Wellnessprogramm erleben. Da die Nachmittage frei sein, kannst auch du die Umgebung zum Teil des Erlebnisses werden lassen.

4*-Hotel Saalbacher Hof
Mit der Gondel, direkt vor dem Hotel, bist du sofort abseits des Alltags

Workshop: Bewusst Zeichnen (lernen), 12. – 14. Juli 2024

Ich habe in den letzten Jahren hunderten Menschen dabei geholfen, den Wert ihrer Zeichnung zu erkennen und zu verstärken. Unabhängig davon, ob sie jemals gezeichnet haben. Nun habe ich beschlossen, daraus einen Workshop zu kreieren. In drei Tagen lernst du

  • deine ureigene Art des Zeichnens kennen, und du lernst
  • zu zeichnen, auch wenn du davon überzeugt bist, es nicht zu können.

Egal wie alt du bist, was dein Beruf oder Vergangenheit ist, werde ich dir helfen dein Wissen über dich und deine innere Kreativität zu vertiefen: durch das Zeichnen.

Alle Infos, und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung, findest du hier.

Gradations of Trauma (2024), text by Catrin M. Hassa

In “GRADATIONS OF TRAUMA“, his second solo exhibition at “gallery twenty-six” (opening on February 10th 2024, 6pm; running from February 12th to March 7th, 2024), Christian Bazant-Hegemark will show over twenty works from the years 2017 to 2022, venturing into border areas of everyday, and everyday trauma.

(text by Catrin M. Hassa)

"There’s nothing that isn’t political, and nothing that isn’t personal."
Ritual, 2022
113 x 200 px

A pixel (an artificial word made up of “picture” and “element”) is the smallest visible element of any digital image.

Over the last 35 years, everything has been done to erase it, to make it invisible, to make it disappear in the ocean of high definition. Nevertheless, the pixel aesthetic seems to exert an unbroken fascination: especially in contemporary art, somewhere between matter and tool, the pixel, “the flesh of the image” (Olivier Huard) is more powerful than ever.  (Since, art-historically, both the square (Malevich, Cubism, …) and additive color mixing (Divisionism, …) have had incredible impact, it is not too far-fetched to assume that some of that artistic legacy might be conserved – or even restored to some extent – by the pixels, even though to some this conclusion might seem highly speculative.)

Budapest, 2017 | manual pixelation by Christian Bazant-Hegemark (Original photo by Zsolt Szigetváry)

The artistic exploration of various computer graphics aesthetics (geometries, vector graphics, glitches – and pixelations) plays a key role in Bazant-Hegemark’s oeuvre. In his PhD thesis (2011-2015) focusing on “Painting and Digital Technologies”, he had already decided to embrace the old-school 80s aesthetics of pixel-based visualities, whereby he sought to expand them into HiBit territory, especially since he is still fascinated by both areas to this day, fluctuating between them.

I can't save you but I can love you., 2020
113 x 200 px (115 x 235 cm)
Original photo and pixelation by Christian Bazant-Hegemark, 2020

Watertown, 2017 | Scratchings on Hahnemühle digital print
35 × 48 cm

Bazant-Hegemark chooses a working size (e.g. 100 x 66 pixels), which sets the stage for the visual abstraction / the pixel size as experienced in the final work. The works exist both virtually and physically; for the latter, they are printed like photographs (on handmade paper, but also on canvas).

For Bazant-Hegemark, this “bringing into the world” of his works is crucial, especially as the effect of the work can be experienced in a potentiated way (precisely because of the pixel size visible in the exhibited work, thus becoming physically tangible). “For me, the one proper benchmark is still physical reality – because for my generation, it so drastically influences a work’s emotionality.

Border areas of everyday, and everyday trauma
Calais (Original photo by unknown)
100 x 66 px
Pixelation by Christian Bazant-Hegemark, 2017

In a small number of the pictures, however, the artist transcended digitality by additionally painting freely in oil on the printed picture, also in order to “to investigate how traditional painting topics operate when referencing the contemporary media world and when they appropriate its formal codes.”

The selection of works exhibited in “GRADATIONS OF TRAUMA” thematically deals with the potential of trauma within political conflicts on the one hand, and with scenes from the private sphere on the other. The translation of horror into pixel aesthetics, especially in the choice of its technical and formal realization (because: where the medium is not the message, it at least determines it), inevitably implies the confrontation of the viewer with the conditions, (im)possibilities and risks of such visual reception. In a way, these works are themselves intermediate figures, making processes of reflection on perceptual patterns and filters, privileges, aestheticizations and ultimately attitudes unavoidable.

Kabul, 2017; oil and manual pixelation on canvas
140 × 180 cm | 55 × 71 in
"[...] to have a voice in a world that feels to not offer most people such a thing"

I started pixelating world events in 2017. It is weird and uncomfortable to do this: who am I to depict things that are not my experience. It feels transgressive, which isn’t my intention. These are political, yet highly personal works. They show what I care about; there’s nothing that isn’t political, and nothing that isn’t personal. In addition, this enables me to have a voice in a world that feels to not offer most people such a thing; I stick to the original colors and composition, but still aim to add a relevant layer of self, with the goal to add meaning — of which I’m not sure whether that’s possible.

Heap and Stone, 2020
150 x 200 px
Original photo and pixelation by Christian Bazant-Hegemark

Gradations of Trauma (Solo Exhibition, gallery twenty-six, Vienna)

Please join me at the opening on “Gradations of Trauma“, my second solo exhibition at Lucian Antoni’s gallery twenty-six.

This exhibition will display a selection of pixel-based works on canvas and paper (2017-2023), venturing into border areas of everyday, and everyday trauma.

  • Where: gallery twenty-six, Schwertgasse 4 (Vienna)
  • When:  Saturday, February 10th, 2024, 6pm
    (Exhibition duration: February 12th to March 7th, 2024)

Private Mythologies (group, gallery twenty-six)

My work is part of the “Private Mythologies” group show at gallery twenty-six, together with works by Alice Ella, Beáta Hechtová, and Kryštof Strejc:

“Representations of animals have always held a special place in secular iconography and its sacred counterpart, analogous to the cultural-historical relevance of the relationship between humans and animals; they have been charged with enormous, often ambivalent, symbolic meaning and, perhaps for this very reason, continue to mesmerise us today.”

Triumph, 2014 | oil on canvas
200 × 300 cm

Art Lodge Residency 2023

Katrin Liesenfeld-Jordan and Dirk Liesenfeld have been managing the Art Lodge for over a decade. It’s a four star hotel, an exhibition space, a sculpture garden — and so much more.

I’ve been their resident once more this year, and wanted to share some photos from the time there. It was beautiful and inspiring: from hail storms to rainbows, from laughter to philosphical discussions about art, life, transit and local produce. <3

Guest Speaker at University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

I’m a guest speaker at Günther Oberhollenzer‘s lecture series “Cultural Administration in Fine Arts” at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna.

I’ll talk about my multi-disciplinary artistic and creative practice, and the various projects I’ve been involved in the last decade — from co-organizing an independent art space, to founding the On Doubt YouTube channel, co-managing the Kunst und Klischee podcast or establishing the Conscious Artist Membership. And more — on June 12th 2023 🙂

It will be fun!

Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, WIen (photo (c) PaulShunOSAWA)

Works at [FKc] Forum Kunst Contemporary, June 2023

My work is currently exhibited at Forum Kunst Contemporary (situated at beautiful Stift Millstatt, which is right at Lake Millstatt <3), in an untitled group exhibition alongside Deborah Sengl’s solo show “Trouble in Paradise”.

The works are exhibited until June 24th; opening times Wednesday-Saturday, 3-6pm.

Drop by!

[FKc] Forum Kunst Contemporary, exhibition view with works by Christian Bazant-Hegemark
Law of Regression, 2023 | oil on canvas
180 × 240 cm

Post-Graduation Strategies (Lecture/Workshop), University of Applied Arts (Vienna)

I’ll be assisting Alexandra Feichtner in her multi-week lecture/workshop format at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, which is hosted by the photography team, but open to all students.

The focus is on offering strategies for graduates; to discuss the realities of the time after art university in a complete, actionable way; from deepening your artistic practice to business aspects (galleries, networking, pricing..) and various topics of personal development.

PS: Thanks to each of you who participated, it was a great day!

Post-Graduation Strategies, Lecture/Workshop at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Bazant-Hegemark, May 2023)

Time is Personal – Work Series (2021-2023)

I published a new work series, “Time is Personal”, which accumulates pencil drawings made between 2021-2023.
The drawings were created under a specific atmosphere or mindset; they are a reflection of the individual vulnerabilities of people in my immediate surroundings.

Click here to see the entire series; the page also offers texts and further information.

Forever, 2022 | pencil on paper
70 × 50 cm

Thanks to gallery twenty-six and [FKc] Forum Kunst Contemporary for having exhibited some of these works already.

Digitalog (Group),, Wels

Two of my manual pixelations, printed onto canvas, will be exhibited at‘s “Digitalog: Digital und Analog im Dialog” exhibition. It’s the first time these sort of works will be exhibited; I’ve created a lot of pixel-based digital works over the last couple years, and started bringing them into the analog world. But they haven’t yet been shown outside of my studio. Thanks to Bianca Kiso for trusting these works <3

The exhibition also shows works of Ignas van Rijckevorsel, Chris Murzek, Bianca Kiso and Denisa Osacenco. Plus: the opening evening also marks the space’s second birthday — let’s meet there to discuss art and life 🙂

  • Opening on Friday, May 12th (6:30pm) — I’ll be there; dresscode: futuristic or vintage 🤩
  • Exhibition duration: May 13th – June 16th, 2023
  • Opening times: Thursday and Friday, 2-6pm
Holon Art Space, Wels
Calm, 2022
200 x 150 px
Bad Growth, 2022
200 x 113 px

Some photos from the opening..

Kunst im Kabinett: Christian Bazant-Hegemark, Galerie Schloss Parz

A selection of my drawings and paintings will be exhibited in the drawing room (“Kabinett”) of Galerie Schloss Parz, alongside an exhibition of Alois Riedl and Franz Josef Altenburgdetails here.

  • Opening on May 11th, 7pm (I’ll be there), with a speech by Günther Oberhollenzer,
  • Exhibition duration: May 12th – July 9th, 2023
Galerie Schloss Parz
Works by Christian Bazant-Hegemark at Galerie Schloss Parz (2023)

Some photos from the opening, made by BRS/Haslberger:

Announcing “Substanz”, Künstlerhaus Wien, 2024

I will curate one of the three main exhibitions at Künstlerhaus Wien, in 2024 — together with Esther Mlenek.

“Substanz” will be a show about artists whose focus isn’t “limited” by the boundaries of their artistic practice, but who let their passion run their lives, even way outside of the studio.

Thanks to Günther Oberhollenzer (Wikipedia) for asking and trusting me in the first palce. Thanks to Esther for supporting the vision wholeheartedly. Thanks to the Künstlerhaus board for believing in this (context: the Künstlerhaus Vereinigung is an artist’s society originally founded in the 1840’s, and is currently led artistically by Günther Oberhollenzer).

Künstlerhaus Wien
(c) C.Stadler/Bwag - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Exhibition duration: October 19th, 2024 – February 9th, 2025
Curator: Christian Bazant-Hegemark
Co-Curator: Esther Mlenek

Die Ausstellung SUBSTANZ handelt von Menschen, die ihre Themen nicht nur in ihrer Kunst verarbeiten, sondern diesbezüglich auch in gesellschaftliches Handeln gehen. Sie bilden beispielsweise Communities, Netzwerke und Räume, gehen einem erweiterten Kunstvermittlungsbegriff nach und loten die Möglichkeiten der Schnittstellen zwischen – und jenseits von – Kunst und Aktivismus aus. Den Ausstellenden gemein ist, dass sie unsere Gesellschaft über die eigene künstlerische Praxis hinaus beeinflussen. Denn Kunst und Gesellschaft sind eng und zirkulär verbunden: Kunst entsteht aus der Auseinandersetzung mit einer Welt, die durch Kunst beeinflusst wird.

Günther Oberhollenzer announcing the 2024 program at a press conference at Künstlerhaus, April 2023 (c) Alexandra Gamrot
Press Conference Künstlerhaus, April 2023 (c) Alexandra Gamrot

Kunst und Klischee Live: Line-up April/May 2023

Kunst und Klischee (Spotify, Apple, YouTube) is the German-language podcast that art director Katharina C. Herzog and artist/curator Christian Bazant-Hegemark are creating since 2020.  On the podcast, we talk with artists and creatives about their life: from socialization through education, about the hidden joys and challenges of their field.

Since 2021, we’ve also been producing these intimate conversations in front of audiences. For spring 2023, we’re happy to announce the following dates and guests, which will both happen at Superbude Wien.

  • April 19th, 2023 (7pm): David Scheid
    (Thanks to Sebastian Jacoba!)

  • May 30th, 2023 (7pm): Lars Eidinger
    (Thanks to Barbara Pretterhofer)
Kunst und Klischee Live: Lars Eidinger
Foto (c) Benjakon und Salzburger Festspiele
Kunst und Klischee Live: David Scheid
Foto (c) Jan Frankl

Freiluft Kunst (Group Exhibition, Vienna)

This April 2023, my work gets shown in public places throughout Vienna, alongside the work of artists Stella Bach, Bettina Beranek, Sissa Micheli, Thomas Riess and Stylianos Schicho.

You get to see the pieces in various LCD displays that are usually used for advertisement purposes. There are tours through the city, to let you explore all displays.

All details on the project’s website, plus an audio guide about my work on this page.

Thanks to Infinity Media’s Nico Schluga, as well as Künstlerhaus’ Knut Neumayer and Günther Oberhollenzer for conceptualizing and organizing this project!

Illusion – Delusion (group), Forum Kunst Contemporary, Millstatt

My work gets exhibited once more at Forum Kunst Contemporary, in group show called “Illusion – Delusion“, curated by Andrea K. Schlehwein. The exhibition includes works by Vadim Fishkin, Georg Planer, Annamaria Kowalsky, Tim van den Oudenhoven, Josef Winkler and me.

  • Opening on March 5th, 2023 (11am), including the dance performance “EMBRACE FALLING” (Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS; Maria Mavridou)
  • The exhibition runs until April 15th, 2023
  • Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 3pm – 6pm

I’ll be at the opening — join me there! <3

All exhibition views below (c) Tim van den Oudenhoven

Conscious Artist Membership

After years of solo and group deep dives with artist from all over the world, I decided to offer an affordable membership program that enables everyone to join in:

The Conscious Artist Membership offers access to monthly group calls, a private FB group enabling direct communication between peers, and — can now be subscribed to by anyone, independently of their age, background, and whether they studied art. This is an open platform for those who want to discuss artmaking and the art life holistically <3

Details here — spread the word!

Kunst und Schnittlauch (December 16th, 2022)

I was invited once more to talk about art and life, at “Kunst und Schnittlauch“, an awesome weekly get-together at Kunsthandel Giese und Schweiger (Vienna).

If you can, do check it out in person: K&S happens every friday, free of charge, at 3pm: you get free drinks and food, and at 4pm the hosts (usually Alexander Giese and Christof Habres) talk about the week’s art events. It’s a great format, and it’s awesome people.

Here’s the link to the video of our talk.

Photo from

Zeit und Zuschauer, Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut, Vienna

Kunstverein “DerMeteor” is organizing this group exhibition at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute, at Haus Wittgenstein (Vienna). The show is curated by Josef Pauschenwein and includes works of Michael Csokay, Datim Dimiter Dimov, Ivan Dobromir, Josef Pauschenwein, Stefan Petrunov — and yours truly.

Opening on January 8th, 2023 (6:30pm), ending on February 15th, 2023.


From the curatorial statement:

DIE ZEIT … sie gilt uns gemeinsam mit dem Raum als Bedingung für die Möglichkeit unserer Erfahrungen. Sie selbst ist ohne Qualität, daher kann man sie auch nicht fassen. Es sind lineare, von der Vergangenheit zur Zukunft hin ablaufende Geschehnisse, die wir wahrnehmen. Bewegung ist das eigentliche Erkennungsmerkmal der Zeit. Die Zeit zum Thema zu machen heißt, sie dreifach zu befragen: nach dem, was war – weit über unsere Erinnerungen hinaus; nachdem, was wir planend erhoffen oder spekulativ erwarten dürfen; nach dem, was Natur und Geschichte aus uns gemacht haben und was uns zur Aufgabe wird im Jetzt.

DER ZUSCHAUER … er ist der, der den Abstand sucht zur Dynamik aktueller Ereignisse. Er hält sich heraus und schätzt den Platz mit dem besten Überblick in vorderster Reihe. Oder er duckt sich weg in einen dunklen Winkel, von wo aus er unbemerkt und verstohlen seine voyeuristische Leidenschaft pflegt. Es gibt aber auch die, die sich abwenden – in Bestürzung, Verzweiflung, aus Ekel oder einfach als Flucht. Jede Reaktion des Zuschauers, selbst noch die Teilnahmslosigkeit, hat Wirkung im Fluss der Ereignisse.

DIE KÜNSTLER … sie wissen um ihre Doppelrolle als Zuschauer und Akteure. Der scharfe Blick, die konzentrierte Aufmerksamkeit, die ästhetische Wahrnehmung – sie sind Ausgangspunkte künstlerischer Praxis. Diese erst befähigen sie, zu Gestaltern der Erfahrungen der Zeit zu werden. Im Focus steht zuerst die Gegenwart. Zum einen, weil sich in ihr die Linien von  Vergangenheit und Zukunft kreuzen, zum andern, weil sich aktuelle Ereignisse besonders aufdrängen. Die Werkgestaltung ist dann die Suche der je eigenen Position zu Fragen der Zeit. Die Werke selbst werden Teil des zeitlichen Geschehens, … wenn, ja wenn es die Zuschauer gibt, die sie wahrnehmen, die sich mit ihnen intellektuell auseinandersetzen und/oder emotional bewegen lassen.

Kurator J. Pauschenwein

News: Kunst und Klischee – Podcast

Kunst und Klischee, the podcast that Kevo and I started in 2020, struck a deal with Missing Link Media. This means that we are now part of the finest podcasting network that this country has to offer. Wow!

We started this podcast in the first lockdown, with the idea to discuss the actual lives and challenges of creatives, similar to my On Doubt YouTube channel — but with an exclusive focus on LOCAL creatives, German language, and the urge to constantly mixi emerging with established professionals.

We expanded this to include live podcasting a year later, something that wouldn’t have been possible without Philipp of Audiamo+ constantly having our backs. And now here we are, mingling our way into your hearts <3


PS: Thanks to Stefan Lassnig for trusting us, and to Philipp Pankraz for highlighting Missing Link in the first place.

Katharina C. Herzog und Christian Bazant-Hegemark, 2021
(c) Jana Madzigon

Kunst. Leben. Leidenschaft. (October 16th, 2022, Museum Angerlehner, Thalheim bei Wels)

My works are part of this major group exhibition, celebrating the ten year anniversary of Museum Angerlehner — curated by Günther Oberhollenzer:

Das privat geführte Museum Angerlehner gehört zu den wichtigen Orten für zeitgenössische Kunst in Österreich. Die Sammlungsschau zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des Museums ermöglicht einen vertiefenden wie überraschenden Einblick in die vielfältigen Bestände österreichischer wie auch internationaler Kunst. Rund 200 Werke von 125 Künstler:innen sind in der großen Ausstellungshalle sowie den Galerie- und Grafikräumen zu sehen.”

Der Kunstleidenschaft des Privatsammlers Heinz Josef Angerlehner, seinem Gespür, seinen persönlichen Vorlieben und Interessen wird in der Schau bewusst Rechnung getragen. Die von Kurator Günther Oberhollenzer gestaltete Ausstellung streicht die Besonderheiten der Sammlung Angerlehner heraus und ermöglicht interessante wie ungewöhnliche Dialoge zwischen den Kunstwerken – oft auch über eingeübte kunsthistorische Einordnungen hinweg. Individuelle Sichtweisen und persönliche Vorlieben werden selbstbewusst vorgestellt. Thematische Klammern widmen sich relevanten Aspekten der Malerei wie Menschenbild und Naturlandschaft, Farbrausch und Abstraktion. Zu sehen sind aber auch fotografische Wirklichkeiten, zeichnerische Bildwelten und skulpturale Positionen. Die Werkauswahl vermittelt in ihrer assoziativen Zusammenstellung viel vom einmaligen Charakter der Sammlung und lässt die Besucher:innen in wunderbare künstlerische Welten eintauchen.


Here’s a video where Günther Oberhollenzer and Yours Truly talk a bit about the show 🙂

If You Can’t Make Sense, You Can Still Draw Plants (Workshop, Vienna)

I’ll be hosting a 4-session drawing workshop at the “Klasse für Alle” at the University of Applied Arts (Vienna), scheduled between October 2022 and January 2023.

Participation is open to everyone, the course costs €80; more here.

About the Workshop

The goal ist to integrate drawing as strategy to document processes of reflection, introspection and opinion-making. What does it mean to draw? How do you draw an experience, a feeling, a memory? An opinion, hope or otherness?
How do you then draw specific plants, landscapes or people? How would you draw the change of things, or the passing of time? How do you draw when you can’t draw? How to you draw together?

The workshop supports experimentation, with a clear focus on the process — and results being optional.

Klasse für Alle is a new program of continuing education, created by the University of applied Arts Vienna to opening up their institutes and departments towards all those who are interested in discussing, reflecting upon, and redesigning of our society. The urgency of current existential dangers requires collective action and dialogue. We invite people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds, from all professional fields, with or without previous education, and with a diverse range of skills and interests, to work with us on building a present and future worth living. […]

Kunst und Klischee Live: Lukas Kranzelbinder (October 3rd, 2022, Badeschiff, Wien)

The Kunst und Klischee podcast by Kevo and me is back with another live event: we’re recording at Badeschiff Wien, in front of an audience, which can include you.

Our guest is musician and composer Lukas Kranzelbinder. Drop by for an evening full of delights: once the recording is over, it’s possible to mingle with the crowd, and dance to Philipp‘s music..

Monday, October 3rd, 7pm

(c) Peter van Breukelen

Die Zeit danach (October 1st, 2022, Alfred Adler Center International, Vienna)

My work gets exhibited within a solo exhibition at the Alfred Adler Center International in Vienna, which is part of the “Österreichischer Verein für Individualpsychologie”. The show happens within the framework of this year’s “Lange Nacht der Museen” — a night where a whole lot of museums stay open for the public, to be visited with a single ticket.

This exhibition continues my focus on trauma recovery, on “the time after” traumatic events happened.  I am very thankful to have been asked to collaborate and to be able to exhibit there: the institute’s focus on trauma recovery includes their project “Die Boje“, a crisis intervention center for children and teenagers.

On the opening evening (October 1st, 8pm) there’ll be a conversation between Alexa Weber, Ilonka Schwarzenfeld (two psychotherapists and psychoanalysts) and me.

Details here.

Muted Rainbow (September 22nd, 2022, gallery twenty-six, Vienna)

“Muted Rainbow” is my upcoming solo exhibition at gallery twenty-six/Vienna. It shows paintings and drawings that blend everyday moments with dream states, dissociations, and various emotive and sub-emotive conditions.

About the exhibition

The title blends two topics: In nature, rainbows refer to “phenomena caused by refractions of the sun’s light by rain or water droplets“; in everyday life, the word is used for a wide range of related, typically colorful things. Rainbows stand for hopes and promises, diversity and peace. Muted colors on the other hand are those with low saturation; they are created by adding black, white, or complementary colors to whichever base pigment is used. Muted colors are dull, desatured, a tad bit grey.

In the context of the exhibition, the term refers to the undiscovered, as well as the un- or underdeveloped: without contact to the world, it’s difficult to experience oneself as joyful or alive; one rather remains hidden, insecure and needy. These situations frequently lead to strategies of control, in order to establish safety when interacting with the world. Yet control also deadens the lively and joyful, instead of simply strengthening them; the urge for balance between these opposing desires (for control as well as liveliness) thus marks the life of many people. An alternative to control would be trust, which in turn requires courage.

How would a life be like that operates in courage and liveliness, that’s self- and world-confident? A life beyond the Muted Rainbow?


Please consider the following dates:

  • Exhibition opening: Thursday, September 22nd, 2022, 7-10pm, with opening words by Esther Mlenek
  • Concert: Soirée de chansons: Remy Mytteis plays in the exhibition
    Saturday, September 24th, 7:30pm
  • Artist Tour: I walk you through the exhibition 🙂
    Thursday, October 6th, 7-10pm
  • Finissage: we’ll have a fancy closing event
    Thursday, October 20th, 7-10pm

At gallery twenty-six, Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Wien/Vienna

Ethics of Collecting, Moderation (September 9th, 2022, Vienna Contemporary)

I’ll be moderating a round table for Vienna Contemporary, with guests Agnes Husslein-Arco  (Heidi Horten Collection) and Heike Meier-Rieper (EVN Collection), about the Ethics of Collecting Art; schedule for September 9th, 4:30-6pm at Biergart’l im Stadtpark.

From the press release: “Two panel discussions aim to question the value – axiology – and responsibility in terms of diverse modes of collecting. This value is understood in an economical, ethical, and moral sense. Diverse experts from the most prominent institutions in the public, corporate and private sectors have been invited.

With representatives of various public institutions and private collections. More information at Moderated by Christian Bazant-Hegemark.

You can watch the recorded livestream on Instagram.